Not Available OOWIM - Not Available - 231/252TSE/Bravo/Encore/M-20K 231/M-20K 252TSE/M-20K Encore/M-20M Bravo/M-20M TLS/TLS/M-20V Acclaim Ultra/Acclaim Ultra/M-20TN Acclaim Type S/Acclaim Type S/M-20TN Acclaim/Acclaim (M20T)

Additional Data
Disclaimer: The source of the above image is Google and is copyright Google Search. This system may not show the actual aircraft with 100% accuracy.

Additional information as it flew nearby

Ground Speed
0 knots
Heading (degrees)
319 (Northwest)
2,800 feet
Lat: 47.2581405639648 Lng: 11.3499212265015
Date (UTC)
May 3, 2023 17:00
Flight spotted duration
Latest ACARS message