Not Available ASXGS - Not Available - 2+2 (DR-400)/Cadet/Chevalier (DR-400)/Dauphin 2+2/Dauphin 4/Dauphin 80/DR-400 2+2/DR-400 Cadet/DR-400 Chevalier/DR-400 Dauphin 2+2/DR-400 Dauphin 4/DR-400 Dauphin 80/DR-400 Earl/DR-400 Major/DR-400 Major 80/DR-400 Petit Prince/DR-400 Regent/DR-400 Remo 18 (DR40)

Additional Data
Disclaimer: The source of the above image is Google and is copyright Google Search. This system may not show the actual aircraft with 100% accuracy.

Additional information as it flew nearby

Ground Speed
100 knots
Heading (degrees)
125 (East-Southeast)
7,700 feet
Lat: 10.2241744995117 Lng: 28.5070152282715
Date (UTC)
Jul 8, 2023 22:20
Flight spotted duration
Latest ACARS message