Not Available N172SP - Not Available - 172/172 Cutlass/172 Skyhawk/Cutlass/Hawk XP/Mescalero/P172 Skyhawk Powermatic/R172/R172 Hawk XP/Skyhawk/Skyhawk Powermatic/T-41 Mescalero/P-172/F172/F172 Skyhawk/FP172/FR172 Hawk XP/FR172 Reims Rocket/Hawk XP/Reims Rocket/Skyhawk (C172)

Squawk 7500 : Hijack at 2024-02-02 10:45 UTC
Additional Data
Disclaimer: The source of the above image is Google and is copyright Google Search. This system may not show the actual aircraft with 100% accuracy.

Additional information as it flew nearby

Ground Speed
0 knots
Heading (degrees)
306 (West-Northwest)
0 feet
Lat: 41.989200592041 Lng: 8.20057582855225
Date (UTC)
Dec 13, 2023 6:47
Flight spotted duration
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